5 Little-Known Secrets About Kim Kardashian

We are aware. Since Kim Kardashian herself has acknowledged that her existence is “like living on The Truman Show,” the phrase “things you didn’t know about Kim Kardashian” is a bit of an oxymoron. What else could there possibly be to learn about the lady, who is undoubtedly the most famous reality star of our time? As it turns out, quite a bit; read on for more information.

Kim Kardashian’s alleged godfather is…

O.J. Simpson claims to be Kim Kardashian’s godfather. The football player and Simpson’s late ex-wife, Nicole Brown, were extremely good friends with the Kardashians; according to the player, he was even there in the delivery room when Kim was born. (In honor of Brown, Kendall Jenner’s middle name is Nicole.) Kardashian stated that Simpson’s “dream team” defense included her father, Robert, at one point. She recently remarked to Rolling Stone, “It was bizarre, with Johnnie Cochran and Robert Shapiro and all these guys having meetings at my dad’s house. “I unquestionably sided with my father. We simply always felt that my father was the world’s smartest guy and that he truly believed in his friend. When questioned about her current beliefs, she responded, “It’s weird. I just try not to think about it.”

The star spent a birthday at Neverland Ranch

In her teenage years, Kardashian dated T.J. Jackson, Michael Jackson’s nephew, for several years. She even celebrated her 14th birthday at Neverland Ranch. She told People, “It was the most magnificent location on earth,” in 2009. “There were baby elephants and chimpanzees dressed in overalls when you pulled up, along with all the rides. It met every expectation you might have. I will always cherish the memories I have of that location.

Kim Kardashian’s guilty pleasure might be the same as yours

For Kardashian, common vices like drinking don’t cut it. She mostly stays away from alcohol. Yet iced tea and Equal are her two biggest weaknesses. I used to drink a lot of iced tea, but I’ve cut back, she admitted in April. I was addicted to Equal to the extreme. I would add 10 Equals to each iced tea. I’ve gotten down to three Equals now that I’ve disciplined myself to only eat one iced tea a week.

She owns a piece of Elizabeth Taylor’s jewelry collection

Kim Kardashian calls herself a “Elizabeth Taylor nerd.” Kardashian was the last person to speak with the late actress before she passed away in 2011, and she can name the carat weights of Taylor’s three most renowned diamond rings. The same year, Kardashian paid $64,900 for three of Taylor’s jade bracelets at a Christie’s auction. At the time, Kardashian told Forbes, “If you have a piece of jade, the energy goes into the piece, and you absorb the energy. “So that Elizabeth is present in the piece,”

You won’t believe Kim Kardashian’s pre-jewelry routine

Speaking of jewelry, in 2011, Kim Kardashian shared a “strange Kim fact” on Twitter. She claimed to blow-dry each piece of jewelry before wearing it. She complained, “I can’t take putting on chilly jewelry, it gives me the chills!”